Kastoria is a city with a rich history over the centuries, and now is one of the most beautiful cities in Greece that manages to keep intact its traditional character. According to tradition, it was founded by Orestes, in honor of his sister, Electra.
In Kastoria are still preserved extremely important monuments of Byzantine culture, such as the walls and almost the 80 Byzantine churches, which together with the truly magnificent Lake of Kastoria, create an unsurpassed setting, to what even the most discerning traveler is hard to resist.
It flourished mainly in the 17th century, of then are also the old mansions, the amazing mansions, which have reconcile the local character with their Byzantine architecture.
When you find yourself in Kastoria you should not miss to visit the Eco-museum, the first in Greece, where the visitor has the opportunity to “see” in digital Kastoria of the 6th century and to discover its diverse ecosystem.
You can also see the Folklore Museum, the Byzantine and the Museum of Costumes.
Also do not forget to visit the petrified forest, aged of twenty million years of tropical and subtropical plants, trunks of palm trees and sea fossils. Do not forget to visit the museum that hosts many of the fossils.
In addition, it is a must-see up Orestiada lake, Agios Stefanos and the Byzantine castle, which was considered by travelers of that time rough and fort.